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5AMthinking is written by Gordon F. It is an experiment to see what the author will write in the quiet time of 5 AM with his dog at his feet and a cup of coffee to ignite his verbal passions. When Buying a Pack of Cigarettes Is Like Buying a Condom. I started when I was 16. Cigarettes were twenty five cents in 1959. I posed with a cigarette dangling from my lips as an 18 year old in the Air Force, imitating the movie actors in the World War II movies.
Wabi Sabi - a way of looking at the world with a kind of quiet insight, to find beauty, even in imperfection. Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The best thing one can do when it rains is to let it rain. But amidst all the frustration, three things changed my persepective, little by little at first, then,.
Life, One Sentence At A Time. The Girl At The Keyboard. The hook held each time she needed to rest. As she finally got the bottom of the ladder onto the outcropping, she heard the tower door slam open. They were in the final stretch, but so was she. There was a loud call from across the ga.
Born in Prague, Czech republic, Marek Bartos is a photo-based artist. What is happening when you see a mirage? .
De eerste sneeuw van 2015. Hoi, wij zijn Dieuwke en Jildou. 2 zusjes, geboren in 2005 en 2010 en stapelgek op elkaar! Kamperen de Berekuil 2015.
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