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Posted by lucasjcorreia in Uncategorized. As I was working the counter Friday night, and the Volcanic Sundae Guy came in, and another customer ordered ice cream for her dog, I suddenly realized I HAVE TOTALLY NEGLECTED THIS BLOG! Anyway, when the Volcanic Sundae Guy re-entered my life Friday night, I knew in my gut that I needed to keep this site going. I slowly got into the habit of let.
To be a leader means that you will always have arrows in your back. Here is one of my beautiful realizations. Live for IT simply means that you should be living for whatever makes you happy. Here are some of my IT things in life.
Well, this is my very favorite one. Participating in an art work. Where are the butterflies supposed to be in my stomach? August 13, 2010. Yellow mama, black baby.
Book reviews and other book-related posts. Loves Jane Austen, ice cream, and the colour blue. Visualizza il mio profilo completo. Paola Mastrocola - Non so niente di te. Organized by Book Nerd Tours , heres the Nerd Blast for Bitter Fruits by Sarah Daltry . For fans of dark urban fantasy comes.
Welcome to the blog of my human friend! She says that she does not comment on other blogs because she has no time. But she enjoys visiting your blogs and admires your artworks without leaving a comment. Have a pawesome day! Friday, 1 May 2015. New challenge at Cute As A Button. Oopsie, I was so busy in catheaven that I forgot the last challenge at Inky Chicks. my human furriend was not amused. But she was busy herself, she only realised it a couple of minutes ago. Okay, at Inky Chinks.
E tutto intorno a me è Magia! Il Mio Punto Croce! Mercoledì 6 maggio 2015. in pochissime ore arriva in PDF. Sal Passione Ricamo 20th year Celebration . Qualcuno si chiederà perchè inserisco spesso e volentieri News su Passione Ricamo.
Nu-mi place sa ma descriu, imi place sa scriu. Nu-mi plac etichetarile pentru ca imi amintesc de biletele prinse de degetul mortilor. Nu stiu cine sunt eu. Pentru ca in fiecare zi ma descopar altfel. Aici nu vreau sa respect reguli, vreau doar sa va respect pe voi. Mi-as dori sa ma cititi si aici. Joi, 5 noiembrie 2009.