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A blog for the course New Media and a Democratic Society. Harvard Internet and Democracy Project. On December 1, 2010. On November 18, 2010. On November 7, 2010. On October 30, 2010.
Second, does the credibility of crowdsourcing be an issue or crowdsourcing can gain credibility? Conducte.
This is the home page widget area. You can use this space to add an introductory message to your blog with a Text Widget or add any other widget here. What Would Zombie Disney Think About Remix? One of the greatest strengths of.
New Media and a Democratic Society Fall 2010. Is the Katine project really crowdsourcing? S Katine project it sounded as if it could do no wrong.
New Media and a Democratic Society. Why or why not? The only difference is that most of the potentially embarassing or even illegal things we post on facebook are not profitable for others.
To reject a job offer as if to reject a crush. A policy document is more than collabrated context. To reject a job offer as if to reject a crush.
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