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A 26 year old entrepreneurial guy from Austin, Texas USA. All skills for web development. User interface, application design and implementation. This slight should be the goal of all seasoned web developers.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009. enough is enough! The people in Perak and the Malaysians are disgusted and equally feeling lethargic over the envelopment of the Perak fiasco. Are we into the most insane state of politics we had yet witnessed thus far? How long more will this last? Monday, May 11, 2009. Thought justice was buried and may not prob.
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His blog is currently OffLine. Sunday, November 12, 2006. I recieved it at 1st of Nov via Pos-Laju. This is my very first time buy an ORI. One guide book and one ea-products booklet. Can play online mode including pir.
以現代眼光來看成吉思汗, 他所殺害的人命何止千百倍於受到國民黨白色恐怖的受害人, 但對現在的人們而言似乎事不干己, 從這個角度批評他的人很少. 歷史上的大帝明君絕大多數都是殺人不眨眼的魔頭, 只不過歷史對於開國初期的帝王大多歌功頌德, 對末代亡國之君就加油添醋形容得非常荒淫無道. 只要乖乖地開城投降, 就可以保障當地的生活不會有太大改變; 如果選擇了抗拒蒙古大軍, 在城破之後就全城男女老少全都一個不留.