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Conform voturilor voastre, ficul câştigător este Deserted Love. Mulţumesc tuturor celor care au votat, chiar nu mă aşteptam ca ideile de ficuri să fie atât de bine primite. Cred că nici nu mai este necesar să spun că. Să lăsaţi un comentariu, oricât de scurt, cu părerea voastră despre fic. Contează mult pentru mine şi astfel îmi dau seama dacă merită continuat. Enjoy and comment! Cum să arate adică.
In dragoste si in razboi totul e permis! Capitolul7- A iesit urat. Vreau sa va anunt ca am inceput sa scriu si eu la acest fic alaturi de Alexa care ma primit in echipa, iar acum suntem doua si stiti cum se spune. o ce? Ci apare o maimutica de fata! O aprob eu,.
Capitolul 5- Cine eşti tu? Capitolul 8-Mica raza de speranta.
Capitolul 2- Waste of Time. Capitolul 8- Brain Means Nothing. Capitolul 11- Love Sweet Love. Capitolul 13- Life Beats Soap Operas. Cum dumnezeu poate cineva .
Clash of the Titans,The Losers. Shit happens all the time. Daca dragoste nu e . Cap 1Bella ,Edward si Heidi Klum.
De la ura la iubire,e doar un singur pas! Capitolul 1 Nu,ca il omor pe Playboy! Capitolul 10, 14 Februarie Renee si Doctor C. Capitolul 11 Fire in the Dark. Capitolul 3 Ciudat,Suspect de Ciudat! Capitolul 5 Singuri acasa si tarfe in dorimitor. Capitolul 6 O iubesc sau Nu? Capitolul 7 Te iubesc-uri si amintiri din trecut. Capitolul 9 Fan Clubul Edward. Captolul 4 Sa inceapa dezastrul! Nominalizare la Liebster Award.
Dupa parerea voastra, pe care ar trebuii sa il continui imediat, iar apoi dupa terminarea lui sa ma reapuc de celalalt? Acest post se va gasi pe ambele bloguri, Intotdeauna singura. O persoana foarte importanta pt mn.
Is this love Edward? Just another WordPress. Cap 2- DE CE? Cap 3 E SAU NU PREA TARZIU? Capitolul 4- Inger cazut. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging! Blog la WordPress.
Fotografii, ganduri, povesti. Koop - Koop Islands Blues. We were much too young. With the smile on our faces. We run out of time. We were much too young.
I am available to speak to groups from 5 to 250. Submit your story for the Make a Memory campaign. I dare you! Cassandra King, NY Times Bestselling Author of The Sunday Wife.
What if you developed a brand for yourself? What would you wear? How would you talk? What would you write? What experiences would you have? Where would you live? What friends would you keep? When you meet people how would the perceive you? What would you offer them? Think about the answers, develop an identity and market yourself. Ever feel like you are always behind the times? Oct 04, 10.
Monday, February 20, 2012. One step to becoming a good cook is being able to wing it. Use your best judgement! Do a lot of taste testing! Then your recipes will come out different every time. You can add whatever your favorite combination of spices is or experiment with something new. I added some dried sage as well. Friday, January 6, 2012.
Happy Clients and Raving Fans. VA Funding Fee back up. VA Reduces the Funding Fee effective October 1st 2011. Good news for Veterans using VA financing! VA has announced that the VA funding fee will be reduced for transactions funding after September 30, 2011. Please see the chart below with various transaction options and the new and old fee schedule.