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There are three new surveys on my blog. It would be very much appreciated if, anyone who can, would complete them. Originally posted on Mind Bursts.
On November 25, 2014 in Sight. One cannot speak for other individuals who have to live with a medical condition that effects one or more of our senses. one can only speak from ones own experience. At birth all of my senses were in tact, the problems which one faces now started at the age of thirteen, that was when the sight in my left eye began to deteriorate. It was discovered that one had a condition called Keratoconus. Over the years one has learned to laugh at the things that one cannot change, one i.
Multimedia as an art form. Multimedia steps away from the traditional way of projecting information and adds a range of different methods. Singular media or just media uses only one technique of distributing information this is often text or an image. However multimedia can use text, images, graphics, audio etc. The above is an art exhibition in the Tate Britain it as.
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon blog. Petit à petit vous allez apprendre à me connaître. Je ne vous en dis pas plus. Venez me voir et à travers mes envois. Vous allez tout savoir sur mes passions. ASARIUS Depuis le grand chaos interplanétai. La pensée du jour Oublier le passé, vivre. Je viens vous souhaiter une très bonne.
du scrapbooking, au point de croix en passant par mes hommes. Créer un blog avec CanalBlog.
Jag kunde inte gå utanför dörren i Falun utan livvakt. Det känns tungt att behöva göra det här, men jag känner att det är dags. Jag ska lägga ner bloggen och börja på nästa epok i mitt liv. Och med nästa epok följer en ny bloggadress förstås! Imorgon flyttar jag till London så i fortsättningen kan ni följa mig på www. Angie1986 bugar och bockar och tackar för sig. Ja, det får du.