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Apocalisp The end of programming as you know it

The end of programming as you know it


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Chris Mountford

Being 10x smarter than everyone around them; and. Fitting all the code in their head. When they join a team where everyone else is pretty smart - even if not quite as smart - they can still fail hard. They are like younger, stronger kung-fu warriors that yet cannot best the wizened master! Isolation, abstraction, automation - these things all help pump complexity out of the bra.

One Mistake After Another

Thursday, May 3, 2012. The Essence of Dynamic Typing. Dynamic vs Static typing discussions exist probably since Bertrand Russel tried to formalize set theory. And somebody questioned his preferences. Reflection, code-loading, etc. Dynamic typing offers us the possibility of writing programs that are partially defined and may fail due to certain inputs.

Dr. Drejs thoughts Java, Web, Scaling, Softwaretechnology, Ideas, Tutorials, Examples

Java, Web, Scaling, Softwaretechnology, Ideas, Tutorials, Examples. January 31, 2013 by drdrej. Habe heute die aktuelle Version 1. Datenschutzrichtlinie ist hier zu finden. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

Heuristic Exception Failure is always an option

Mapping Query Results To Non Managed Objects Using JPA.

Heikos Blog

In this short post I want to take a look at monads. From a pragmatic perspective, i. why and how monads can be useful for developers.

Michids Weblog Hacking Scala

I just pushed Json Jerk. Json Jerk is a flexible and fast JSON parser written in Java. Furthermore it provides a light weight and type safe object model for JSON documents. Details and examples are in the readme. And in the test cases. I renamed the parser from Flex Json to Json Jerk due to a name clash with an existing project.

A Little Software Engineering

Weaving Semantic Aspects in HiLA. Reached Level 2 of Project Euler. Is the file name on the remote computer, and. You may notice the method.


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We found that the main root page on apocalisp.wordpress.com took four thousand nine hundred and thirty milliseconds to download. I detected a SSL certificate, so we consider this site secure.
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4.93 sec



We discovered that apocalisp.wordpress.com is weilding the nginx os.


Apocalisp The end of programming as you know it


The end of programming as you know it


The site had the following in the homepage, "The end of programming as you know it." I noticed that the web site stated " What purity is and isnt." They also stated " Ive added a new post at the new blog, on exactly what it means for programs to be pure. I have not seriously updated the old Apocalisp blog. Mostly this is due to the fact that I have been spending all of my creative time outside of work on writing a book. Stackless Scala with Free Monads."


katolicyzm a Biblia

Sobota, 30 stycznia 2010. Dawno temu nad francuskim jeziorem Gévaudan mieszkańcy przybrzeżnych miejscowości w bardzo dewocyjny sposób celebrowali kult lokalnego boga. Tak pogańskie święto boga Helanusa zostało zaadoptowane do religii katolickiej. Grecki mit zaadoptowany do religii katolickiej.

Apocalisse 2012

Il maltempo fa strage in Sardegna. Nove morti e quattro dispersi. Una donna di 64 anni trovata morta nella sua casa allagata a Uras, in provincia di Oristano. Uno dei centri più colpiti, dove in molti trascorreranno la notte in una palestra.

Apocalisse Italia

Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Abbiamo morti di freddo, gente ancora isolata a cui pensare ma giornali e telegiornali battono sul chiodo della dipendenza energetica.

Apocalisse Laica

Religioni, Superstizioni e Fanatismo religioso. Laicità, Anticlericalismo e Ateismo. Razzismo, Discriminazioni e Diritti civili. Libri, Contributi, Eventi e Petizioni. Curiosità, Stranezze e Assurdità. Miti, Misteri e Poteri occulti. Mdash; Seguici su Twitter. Mdash; Religioni, Superstizioni e Fanatismo religioso. Mdash; Laicità, Anticlericalismo e Ateismo. Mdash; Chiesa e Vaticano.

Apocalisse Nerd

Fanculo ai Maya, ci tocca un altro anno. On giovedì, gennaio 03, 2013. Immagino abbiate aspettato questo post con ansia. no, non mi faccio illusioni, lo so che non ve ne frega niente del post dei nuovi propositi. ma io mi annoio, e voglio tirare le somme sullanno appena passato. Quindi, vediamo come è andata. On mercoledì, dicembre 19, 2012. Questa è a grandi linee la trama del film che vi presento oggi.