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Asociación de familias con personas con síndrome de asperger y tea de navarra. Qué es el síndrome de asperger? 16 marzo, 2018. Fotos de los terapeutas trabajando. A cargo de Lola Garrote Petisco.
The Life and Times of one Asperger Parent. This story also appears on Trusera.
Friday, June 27, 2014. Dealing with the loss of a loved one. This is our cat, OJ. She came back into our lives after a long hiatus. This cat had been with me before my husband and I got married, before we were even engaged. I was never truly a cat person. My heart was with dogs. Dogs were fluffy, energetic and goofy balls of love. Cats were aloof and judgemental. In February, she had not been eating and was losing weight. She was diagnosed with kidney disease, and we changed her .
or ASD! Rife Machines and Lyme Disease. Rife machines produce electro-magnetic frequencies which can kill Lyme bacteria. Bryan Rosner recomends using them to kill the spirochette form of Lyme in between periods of treatment. He recommends a pulsed gradual treatment in which antibiotics and other treatments are only applied intermittently not continuously. There are lots of frequenciesyou can use for Lyme, use Google to find them.
Tots tenim la nostra bona estrella. Dissabte, 14 de juny de 2014. Divendres, 5 de juliol de 2013.