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Iquest;Cómo se originó la Vida en la Tierra? Iquest;Cuáles son las evidencias de la Evolución? Iquest;Es posible la existencia de vida en otros planetas? Astrobiología en el Mundo. III Congreso Internacional de Astrobiología.
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UK Centre for Astrobiology home. Find out about the research at the UKCA. Vacancies and Phd Projects available. Experimental facilities available at UKCA. Seminars and workshops at UKCA. Get in touch with the UKCA. This article was published on.
Astrobiology is a vibrant field that focuses on the study of the origins, distribution and evolution of life in the universe. Astrobiology is an interdisciplinary field that combines astronomy, geology, biology and chemistry. At the University of Arizona, there are six academic departments that participate in the astrobiology program. How did life emerge? How did the first metabolic networks and organisms evolve? How did the translation machinery emerge and evolve? .