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Vegan, animal lover, bit mental. Did you know I started a Meetup group for people in London who identify as LGBT and vegan? The group has been running for just over a year and our outings have included trips to the pub, overeating in Camden and even a stroll around an art gallery. The photo above shows a bunch of us from the group crowding out. If any of the above sounds like a good time to you, please get on over to the Meetup group.
Monday, October 31, 2011. Giveaway Winners, I am Looking at You! The winner of Caribbean Vegan is joyfulgirl415. The winner of the PPK swag and loot giveaway is Rachell37. Who won a copy of the upcoming The Inspired Vegan, and Carolyn. Made and loved and y.
Kiss your own ass! Wednesday, January 9, 2013. Monday, November 21, 2011. Wednesday, February 23, 2011.
Ora então Atébloguinho e divirtam-se! Sexta-feira, outubro 13, 2017. Espero que, independentemente dos resultados da investigação judiciária, estes senhores tenham o tratamento que merecem, ou seja, sejam julgados na praça pública como o fizeram no passado, não olhando a meios para alcançar os seus fins. Aqui, nos emails, está bem patente o que queria LFV dizer quando proferiu a célebre frase do fazer as coisas por outro lado. Vamos ver o andamento e espero mesmo que o melhor ainda esteja para vir.
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Dimarts, 27 de maig de 2014. Dissabte, 15 de febrer de 2014. Avui dissabte es desplaçen a Sabadell alguns atletes del club a fer control cadet, juvenil i junior, i un 4x200 infantil femení , eliminatòries del campionat de Catalunya. Dissabte, 1 de febrer de 2014. Enhorabona! Divendres, 29 de novembre de 2013.
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