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Fifteen definitions of my favorite curse word. is it because i push them away? Is it because they get sick of me? I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I need to do a load of laundry. This coffee has gone cold. my mouth now tastes like puke. My cat just jumped on my stomach and started to knead and her claws are really really sharp.
An experiment and a true story. Recent Updates Toggle Comment Threads. Just no comfort whatsoever, except for the possibility that the optometrist was wrong, which puts me back to, why the fluck does my head keep hurting.
A Little Monster In Her Head. Madness And The Mad Hatter. Because I want a little change, maybe an extreme drastic measure would be nice, to wake up, to see light copper would be beautiful. Maybe after change things would be better.
Thursday, 16 June 2011. Sunday, 12 June 2011.
Рилският манастир е ставропигиален манастир, намиращ се в Югозападна България, Област Кюстендил, община Рила. Основан е през Х век от Св. Иван Рилски, в горното течение на Рилска река. Рилският манастир е един от най-значимите културни паметници в България, символ на България, включен в списъка за световното наследство на ЮНЕСКО. В тази територия се срещат уникални животински и растителни видове. Включените в Червената книга на България .
Tuesday, June 02, 2015. Friday, May 29, 2015.
I am abandoning this blog for the time being. For a while now, so check it out if you want to read about my adventures in self-injury.