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Top of the latvian blogs. This is a list of the top 207. The biggest blogs in the Latvian blogosphere. TH - Technorati, FB - Feedburner. Blog RSS URL or Atom URL. Good coders code, great reuse. Kodolfizikas noslēpumi par zemāku cenu. Notes and jokes of Jeremy.
Domas un viedokļi par visu, kas man svarīgs. Politiskās iniciatīvas, ko atbalstu. 18 februārī aizstāvi Latvijas Republiku! Valdības pirmās 100 dienas. Pirms turpinu stāstu par savu ceļojumu uz ASV. Vēlos īsumā pastāstīt par savu darbu, kā dēļ es turp braucu. Valsts veselības aprūpes prioritāte ir palīdzēt pēc iespējas vairāk cilvēkiem.
Iespējams pēc kāda laika tiks pacelts arī Quake 3 serveris. Bet primārais akcents tika un tiek likts uz Quake 1 deathmach. Ps Ja kāds atcerās, kā saucās āķa mods kas tika lietots parka serveri, būtu ļoti pateicīgs ja mani apgaismotu.
Which normally happens so rarely it practically never happens. Is seriously making me want to go out and murder someone. No real children were involved and no sexual abuse occurred.
Redzu, ka pirmais ieraksts. Par marihuānu vēljoprojām ir diezgan populārs, tādēļ nolēmu, ka vajadzētu ielikt kādu apdeitu šajā sakarā. Šoreiz gan tas nebūs manis samurgots raksts, bet gan filma, kas diezgan izmeļoši parāda kas un kā. Tā kā pirms nākamreiz bļaut cik marihuāna ir kaitīga utt, varbūt tomēr kaut nedaudz vajadzētu painteresēties cik daudz tajā visā ir patiesības un kādi ir antimarihuānas propogandas patiesie mērķi.
Having taken a month off from everything we are now living in the UK and have started back at work. So how is the transition so far? But we are looking forward to reestablishing a sense of belonging here. Nearly seven years is a long time! .
Very cute way to start off the Christmas break! Diary of The Blackham3. A visit from the North Pole. We have a visitor spending his days with us until Christmas. It is Zach our elf. He stopped by to make sure we are all behaving. Zach leaves each night to report to Santa. He is magical, if you touch him the magic stops. Every morning he comes back, always sitting in a different spot to watch another day. We have the BEST dentist! .
Friday, January 5, 2018. Well I was not a very productive blogger here in 2017. On this family blog, only about a dozen posts. two geese, four ducks, two ducks then four ducklings again! Girls .
4 Embarcadero Center Suite 1400. San Francisco, CA 94111. Patent litigation is the focus of our practice. Our patent litigators combine expertise in trial advocacy. We use our deep technical experience and comprehensive understanding of the legal terrain to analyze patents.
BLACKWATERS at Brewhouse Brighton Great Escape. Ian Siegal Band O2 BLUESFEST.