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Posted by Clone 787 in Uncategorized. Posted by Clone 787 in Uncategorized. Hello pegu991 here my penguin is 424 days old today here is a picture of him.
Copy and Paste these for your site. Feel free to take these for your site. Just know that i made em myself. I learned to nub there. 1Click the blue peng and change his outfit. 4 The ice fishing ga.
Club Penguin Tips, Cheats, News, Rumors, Glitches And Much More By Mandmsarecol. ONLY POST IF YOU WANT TO. I LOVE You Guys So Much! February 6, 2008.
Advertise your site here! Funny pictures updates regulary! Cp trainer codes. How to put a youtube video on the old wordpress. - CLOSED but open if you still want to read it.
Im lilguy574 i run this site along with enricom and Ice Vampiro please vote for me! Here is my ranking. Lilguy574 and Enricom make videos for youtube. Ice vampiro lives in Cyprus. If you want to know more just ask! Lilguy574, Enricom, Jc4x4, and Ice Vampiro.
Where are u from? Well ice drills has a point about the old cp at. We want the old club penguin back. Plz sign my petition for the old club pengiun back! It has one year until it will be sent to club penguin. Cya on the other side! Lets f.
u can add me on msn 2. make sure to check out my new vid on youtube n subscribe to me! Oh and the new sport catalog is out. Vjjason is back Party sneek peek New newspaper.
The site that knows the power of the Force.
Last time I said I was fake. Then I left for a long while. Now I want you to decide who I am. Am I a fake or Billybob acting fake? Remember the world Is full of fakes or people under cover. Until I make another post here,.
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Danau Pink, Sensasi Wisata Apung di Senegal. Danau dengan air berwarna bening kehijauan atau bentangan air biru, itu sudah biasa. Kali ini kita akan melihat danau dengan air berwarna merah muda. Retba Lake atau biasa disebut Lac Rose atau Pink Lake, terletak di sebelah utara Cap Vert, Peninsula. Atau tepatnya di sebelah timur laut dari ibu kota Senegal, Dakar. Menurut penelitian para ahli, rona merah muda yang dimunculkan ini karena adanya cyanobacteria di dalamnya.
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