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Codes of practice and genre. And how they wear it? The way the source magaz.
Task 1- Classification Of Audiences. Choice FM is the media based programme I have selected. In the media industry there are three different ways in which it can compile audience research; one of the methods that they use is ratings and audience measurements. The second methods that the media industries use to comp.
XXL is a rap magazine mostly for teenagers and young adults, i say this because most teenagers prefer to listen to this type of music and will enjoy it more than older people. However some older males and females still do listen to this music so demographically the readers of this magazine would vary from the age of about fourteen to twenty-six year olds. How old are you? Are you male or female? What is your ethnic background? Which do you prefer? Some sa.
On March 2, 2009 by Emma. What is the definition of an audience? In media terms the audience is any group of people who receive a media text, and not just people who are together in the same place. You could have magazines for a niche audience- e. Use thumbnail images to show media pr.
Hannah Montana is a TV show about a normal teenage girl called miley during the day she lives a normal life and at night she is a teen pop star called Hannah Montana. ETHNICITY- any religion would accept this TV program because they are no harm in living a dream. Sexual Orientation- a lot of them are Straight and a few from other sex orientation. MAINSTREAMERS-they are domestic, conformist, con.
1 what is the definition of an audience? A1 the definition of an audience is any group of people who receive a media text and not just a group of people together in the same place. Explain how you can identify who its intended audience is. Is about investigating the reasons why audiences cons.
I could have improved in my cd cover by taking a picture of me or one of my group members and using that on the front cover and then editing the photo in photo shop to try and make it look professional to put on my cd cover. Professional I would say would be a strong term for the work I did but the effort and time I put in to the work could be known as dedicated and eager to learn more about the program so next time if I get another piece of work that has .
The understanding of a audience. In media the term audience can be defined as the group of people who recieve a media text, and not just people who are together in the same place. You could have a magazine for a niche audience. people veiwing a film in the cinema are an audience.
The media product that I have created is poster promoting a new girl band called Three of a Kind. The genre of this girl group is pop. The target audience for my poster are teenag.
The media based product that I have chosen is a TV Programme called Shameless. Shameless is a BAFTA award winning British drama comedy TV series targeted at the demographic group of young people aged around 16-30. The first two series of shameless had a certification of 15 but when series 3 came out they had raised the certification to 18. I found this information from. And I also found the age certificate from. Witch sells the different series of shameless.
A program in c to generate Fibonacci series. Artificial intelligence water jug problem. Case study of network operating system. Difference between LINUX and UNIX. Discrete Mathematics and Logoc Designs.
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