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Zientziaren Edukiak eta Metodologiak Fisika, Kimika, Zientziak eta Metodologiak. Fisika, Kimika, Zientziak eta Metodologiak. Hemen duzue 2015eko uztaileko kimikako hautaprobaren ebazpenak. Hemen duzue makinei buruzko apunteak. Hemen dituzue kontrol-sistemaren zenbait apunte. Hemen duzue konbustio-motorrei buruzko apunteak.
In order to review concepts related to precipitation, I have prepared the following graphic. Here you have another proposal of exam. Here you have a Dynamics and Energy proposal.
Physics and Chemistry Methodology and Contents. This is the last post that will appear in this blog. Here you have a flowchart on strategy to solve exercises of dynamics.
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