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But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Sorry this post is later than I anticipated. We were bombarded with snow and the loss of power that forced my delay. But, none the less, it is here. Chapter 3, of Let. Why have you done this to me? Why have you put me in this position? February 16, 2013.
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War Over the Male Mind. A Safe Place in the Storm. Restoring the Word in India. Restoring the Word in Kenya. Our primary mission is to offer men an opportunity to meet other men. Growing in knowledge, grace and love. While leading the world, the family, and the church in a life of service.
Sunday, May 20, 2012. As I step onto the bus tomorrow, I will lay to rest my second year in Old College. And what an eventful year it has been! Merging provinces, new translations, and religious liberty all found their way into our daily lives somewhere between classes, prayer, study, and being involved on campus. Tony Oleck will be a councilor at ND Vision over the summer.