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On April 17, 2012. Walking home listening to my iPod on shuffle, the song that I used just came to me. All of the sudden, it was the song I. On April 13, 2012.
Photography taken by Manny Crisostomo. He seems to also excessively use clouds and smoke in the background of his images, giving a ghostly feel. His own personal history of growing up in an industrial city in Britian comes across clearly in his work. He almost always captures images of things whi.
Once I was proposed with the project of trying to reveal Michigan I tried to think of what are some things that people do not think of when they think of the University of Michigan. In this project I wanted to shed light to a totally unrecognized side of Michigan. Transcending Light Through A Glass Ceiling.
This site contains an overview of the innovation context in the US healthcare system. A review of the basic principles of user-centered design. For the analysis of successful and unsuccessful innovation initiatives with examples.
An art analysis blog by Ryan Breen.
De ce este ABR o terapie diferita. Originile si inventatorul metodei ABR. Un an de ABR in Romania. ABR in Romania Un vis devenit realitate. Este o terapie manuala dezvoltata de matematicianul de origine rusa, Leonid Blyum.
Зад АБР - За оние што сакаат повеќе да знаат. Проблемите на децата со церебрална парализа од еден поинаков агол. Saturday, August 30, 2014. Исправено одење на две нозе -како структурата ја одредува функцијата. Дека структурата ја одредува функцијата , неспорен доказ имаме во еволуцијата на човекот. Шимпанзата повремено можат да одат исправени на две нозе, но , нивниот скелет не е адаптиран за правилно одење на две нозе. Цртеж од череп на шимпанзо , прачовек и човек.