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Für Umlaute wie ä ö ü ß bitte. Ae oe ue sz verwenden! Krieg beenden - Frieden leben. Ein Soldat überwindet Hass und Gewalt. Die Wunden des Krieges heilen. Der Vietnam-Veteran Claude AnShin Thomas beschreibt die zerstörischen Wirkungen von Hass und Gewalt und weist einen Weg, den Krieg in uns selbst zu beenden. In westlichen Gesellschaften wächst die Furcht vor Kämpfen, für die der Krieg auch im Frieden nicht endet. Was kostet die Welt? .
Nothing Like a Good Spit in the Eye. Wednesday, January 25, 2006. Fluff Interviews Arthur About Chinese Year of the Dog. Year of the Dog! Year of the Dog! Give me a bone! I want to be hugged! Wow, Fluff, you really do care about me! My agent said this.
Everything you need to know about the Hubbert Oil Peak. Thursday, March 02, 2006. Bush Praises Nuclear Bomb Countries, Pakistan And India- -Diplomat Blown Up In Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan secretly made nukes and now Bush is praising both countries and wants to help them develop their nuclear powers even more because we need to make money off of them and we want to sell them missiles and jets, too! Bush openly proclaims he is doing this so India.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006. Warning About Mercury In Multi-year Predator Fish. Once again, the news that eating predator fish a lot is dangerous, makes the news. The latest story ties itself to the issue of sushi, a delicacy I happen to love. This gives the impression that sushi is bad to eat even though the mercury danger is for only tuna or similar sushi. I have known now for about 30 y.
The Medium is the Mess. Friday, March 03, 2006. CENTCOM Wasting Taxpayer Dollars Trolling Liberal Blogsites. The military is boasting about how they are going after antiwar bloggers, trolling their blogs. They also spend a lot of taxpayer time high fiving pro-military web sites, heaping praise on each other over the great job they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.