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Michele - My Beautiful Wife. Levi Benjamin - Our First Child. We drop Levi off in creche at around 7. 30am before heading off to work in separate directions. The poor boy is left with other kids.
ANSWERING THE CALL OF OUR FOREFATHERS. Join Five Million Voices Facebook Page. Monday, October 10, 2011. We The People Demand the ARREST and PROSECUTION of this Enemy of the United States of America. We formally accuse him of Treason, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Accessory to Murder, Aiding and Abetting foreign enemies of United Stes Citizens, and Human Rights Viotlations. This citizens complaint is to be considered ongoing and active and we hereby place Eric Holder under citizens arrest.
Web o všem, co mě zajímá. DayZ aneb, první a poslední příběh Jarmila. Jmenuji se Jarmil, probouzím se na pobřeží. Nevím, jak jsem se sem dostal. Zřejmě se náš člun převrhl při bouři a vlny mě zanesly až na břeh. Jedno ale vím, apokalypsa nepochybně stále trvá nikde není bezpečno. Návštěva šedáka na vlastní kůži! Unáší vás v noci ufoni? Nemůžete se hýbat, nemůžete mluvit a navíc vám v hlavě píská lokomotiva? Asi dva dny jse.
New Music, Interviews and Gig Reviews. Picture courtesy of Dylan Stephens. Welcome to my Music blog. I spend a lot of my free time listening to and watching new and unsigned bands. I feel that the way that the music industry is at the moment all the hard working unsigned bands and artists are over looked in favour of wannabe one hit wonders who thrive off two bit talent shows.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012. I have found that my previous posts lead a very important person to my life. Thursday, April 16, 2009. Sunday, April 12, 2009. A Better Day I Think.
Thursday, 4 April 2013.