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The Salesian School AS Media Production Blog. Here are links to all of your Foundation Portfolio coursework productions. Please embed these videos into your group blogs.
Our target audience will be the age range of 15. We choose to take the rating between a 12. Like the rating of the Bourne series, and an 18.
Domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015. Vino una dentista a darnos una charla de salud bucodental, en la que nos enseñó entre otras cosas a cepillarnos bien los dientes, y luego el padre de un alumno de 3 años hizo magia. Esperando para comprar las chuches.
Mdash; Leave a comment. During the editing of the first cut I contributed in many ways. Firstly I helped to obtain the images for our distributors and producers. For example icon, film4 and revolution studios.
Is what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media projects? Directed by Danny Boyle, this film was quite a scary post apocalyptic zombie film where a virus outbreak occurs, the whole of United Kingdom is under siege by infectious zombies. A stock setting we decided to include was a confined area. This room was revamped and we added several props to create survival sector. Here we gathered this insp.
This is a list of the thing s I have done independly from the group tasks. Whilst research is only mentioned at the start, through out all the planning we were all watching zombie and horrors films to get inspiration. Drafted original idea for our piece,. Drew artwork for draft copies of the storyboard,. Wrote the origianl script,. Got the actors together,.