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River of Joy Guesthouse, Bloemfontein. Country Guest House on the Modder River, Free State, South Africa. The River of Joy Country Guest House is a nature hideaway situated on the Modder River, 1km from the N1. Family friendly environment with small farm animals, trampoline, etc. Some 13 km east of the River of Joy Country Guest house is the Boyden Observatory which ori.
Pofadder, Northern Cape, South Africa. Rus-i-Bietjie, owned by James Richards, is a quaint resort located in Pofadder in the Northern Cape. The resort offers 5 adjoining self-catering rooms and 6 camp sites.
Holiday Resort in Waterberg, Limpopo, South Africa. Make reservations for a new camping experience. We offer you refreshment for soul and mind, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city! A piece of heaven! A little piece of Bushveld paradise. Our leisure facilities include a lovely heated main pool, kiddies swimming pool, games area, TV with bar area for sport broadcasts, convenience tuck shop and a large boma area which can cater for our social campers.
Into the mind of beauty, fashion and music obsessive dreaming of big things in London. Thursday, 15 November 2012. I work and stay in the city during the week to avoid a 2 hour daily commute so every Sunday I spend pampering and then packing my case for the week. In the mornings I like to use the Neutrogena Bl.
Práca hravou manipuláciou s telesným fragmentom pojednáva o existenciálnej výpovedi, telesných či mentálnych obmedzeniach. Pomocou tela sa pokúšam o prekročenie nebadanej hranice medzi subjektom a svetom. Telo nedematerializujem, zobrazujem jeho celistvosť na poli vonkajšej i vnútornej reflexie. Na fotografiách zachytávam mladých ľudí,. Modelov - prevažne tanečníkov, inscenujem v indiferentných priestoroch, vo fyzicky náročných pózach, ktoré odzrkadlujú možnú nestabilitu a neistotu v našich vlastných mož.