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Sábado, 28 de abril de 2012. Jueves, 8 de abril de 2010. Ens ho hem passat bé. Hem descobert que aquesta gent veu porno, té molta sort, saben on va estudiar el príncep, no paren de dir guarrades, pugen muntanyes i fan curses en roba interior a la neu. Jo vull tornar a estar de vacances! Un plaer, xiquets! I demà, una sarvaseta a la tarrasseta! Entre presseguers lleidatans.
Elisa Valero is part of the jury in the in the ideas competition to refurbish the Bugallal Square in Vigo. First award of Arquitecture of tile III. Elisa Valero is part of the jury in the National Architecture Awards 2016. The church of Playa Granada in Divisare.
Monday, July 18, 2011. Employees, Self-Employed, Under-Employed, Overseas Filipino Workers, Housewives, Working Students, Sales Agents, Marketing Professionals, Multi-Level Marketers, Networkers.
Com descomptes, borsa de treball. Publica una oferta de feina. Recorda que aquesta borsa de treball és per a professionals, no per pràctiques. Elisava Alumni, Barcelona 2016.
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