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What are Flower Essences? The fate of the world rests in your hands. As we have shared in some of our previous messages, you are surrounded by an infinite number of parallel realities which contain every conceivable outcome and scenario you could possibly imagine. However you will not experience each and every one of those realities consciously, your choices that you make in this now moment will govern what you do and do not experience in a conscious manner.
Kamma Mountains Wild Horses of Nevada. A Wild Horse Walks with Us. It is odd, the story of how this horse came to hold a special place in our home and our hearts. I can almost laugh about it now.
The Story of Your Chart. This is possible when you align yourself with your soul. What do you love? What are you good at? What are you passionate about? My name is Gloria Constantin.
Essence And The Emanation Of Light. My Cry From The Heart. The Gospel Of The Tree. There Is None Else Besides Him. It is written, there is none else besides Him. This means that there is no other force in the world that has the ability to do anything against Him. And what man sees, that there are things in the world that deny the Higher Household, the reason is that this is His will. That only by genuinely overcoming all the obstacles.
A Day and the Life of an Artist- Feeding My Creativity. Thank you, so very much bwhartwork. Thank you all for your kind words and for visiting my blog. 11 Random facts about myself. 7 I love Mexican Food.
You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it. What is an authentic life? March 1, 2015. Thinking inside versus outside the box. If you never venture outside the box, you will probably not be creative. But if you never get inside the box, you will certainly be stupid. Delayed in the shortcut lanes of life.
Nach Geschmack 1 Handvoll gedörrte Zwetschken. Die Kletzen und Zwetschken schon am Vortag einweichen. Im Einweichwasser kochen, bis sie weich sind. Aus den Zutaten für den Nudelteig einen elastischen glatten Teig zubereiten und 30 min rasten lassen. Sollte der Teig zu fest sein, kann man noch etwas lauwarmes Wasser darunterkneten.
On the hem of the horizon. The scrawl on the house. So close yet so far. Issue 10 of Failed Haiku is Online! October 1, 2016. Issue 10 of Failed Haiku.
Un momento de meditación reflexiva sobre la vida cristiana cotidiana. Crea un blog o un sitio web gratuitos con WordPress.
Près de chez toi Lool. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below.