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އ ޕ ރ ލ 7, 2011. އ ޕ ރ ލ 6, 2011. މ އ އ ރ ވ އ ގ އ ނ މ ފ ހ ނ ކ ތ . ހ ޅ ނގ މ ސ ނ މ ގ ދ ދ ވ ސ ފ ހ ނ ފ ށ ނ . އ ޕ ރ ލ 5, 2011. އ ޕ ރ ލ 4, 2011. މ ރ ޗ 24, 2011. މ ރ ޗ 23, 2011. މ ރ އ ލ މ ނ އ އ ސ ސ އ ޝ ނ ގ ހ ނ ގ ކ މ ޓ އ އ އ ސ ސ އ ޝ ނ ގ ރ އ ސ ހ ވ މ ށ ވ ޓ ލ ނ އ ބ އ ތ ވ . އ ޅ ގ ނޑ ކ ހ ނ ގ ކ މ ޓ އ ށ ކ ރ މ ތ ލ އ ގ ނ އ ޅ މ ހ ކ މ ވ .
History should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty. History Helps Us Understand Change and How the Society We Live in Came to Be. The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. The past causes the present, and so the future. Studying History Is Essential for Good Citizenship.
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Why do we make fancy things with TikZ? November 1, 2016.
XI Encuentro Biólogos en Red 2016. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE MAR DEL PLATA. Por el Partido de General Pueyrredón. Asimismo, cada uno de los temas abordados en las charlas-debate permite generar discusión y toma de conciencia sobre la ciencia y su rol en la sociedad. BER abarca las siguientes áreas de investigación.