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The adventures of an American living with a Dutchie. For Christmas I was gifted a Ravensburger puzzle. I found it interesting that the puzzle used a dark blue backing instead of the light gray backing that most puzzles use. It makes for really easy storage.
I have a short attention span and I like to obsess about things one attention span at a time.
Sunday, March 11, 2018. Sunday, February 25, 2018.
Life is not a grenade-launcher, loosen up! Friday, April 11, 2014. You gotta give it to Vera Sidika. She has pioneered an industry, which is making millions without causing emissions. A sneak peek at the newspapers and blogs, and you will know exactly what I mean.
Sunday, March 11, 2007. My attempt to post everyday failed. So results was so so. Surpisingly my science was the subject which pulled my avg up. As i had three well-known close to failing papers. I had this c6 for mathematics. and my mum just couldnt stop laughing. it was just a bad test. You know, theres this something about mathematics which makes me mad.
Der Standard hat ein Ende. FEDDZ hat kein herkömmliches Moped- oder Roller-Design mit integrierter Elektrotechnik FEDDZ zeigt, dass emissionsfreie Fahrzeuge auch anders aussehen können. Zum Beispiel da wo sonst der Tank ist, hat FEDDZ ein sichtbares Transportfach. FEDDZ ist das authentischste Elektro Zweirad seiner Art. FEDDZ ist Made in Germany and powered by EMB.
Vendredi 20 février, 20h00, notre rendez-vous est de retour! Cette fois-ci, le rassemblement aura lieu sur le parking de Lunesse, en face de Leclerc à Angoulême. Vous retrouverez ainsi toutes les infos et actions de la FFMC16! 9ème Salon de la Moto et du Quad.