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Monday, May 9, 2011. This and other misogynist phrases. Though fraternities are not alone in promoting gender inequality and the objectification that leads to sexual viol.
Raising a family and raising a farm. Thursday, December 11, 2014. Hard work makes you happy. Psychologists use the Experience Sampling Method, or ESM to find out how we really feel during different parts of our day. But by trying to have.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Monday, March 30, 2015. Sunday, May 31, 2009. Women less happy after 40 years of feminism. Despite wealth, health and opportunity. Men still more content says study by US National Bureau of Economic Research. So is she happy? Like many women, her sense of wellbeing and life satisfaction do not match up with advances in social circumstances and material comfor.
We need your help! Feministing is a labor of love and all our staff has other full-time jobs to support their work on the site. Your donation is much appreciated, and much needed. Banning of abortion at 15 wee.
Virginie Despentes atsakas Jospinui ir visiems, kurie prieš santuoką. Apklausa rodo, kad Prancūzijoje 45 procentai katalikų ir 65 procentai bendrai apklaustųjų yra už santuoką visiems, tuo tarpu už įvaikinimą pasisako tik 53 procentai apklaustųjų.
FebrúarHitt - hvar stöndum við - hvert stefnum við? Febrúarhitt Femínistafélagsins var haldið í gær á Kaffi Rosenberg og tókst ljómandi vel. Að vísu hefði verið gaman ef fleiri hefðu mætt því fyrirlesarar voru úrvalslið femínista, konur sem hafa yfir að búa bæði yfirgripsmikilli þekkingu og framtíðarsýn varðandi stöðu mála. Og Hvert stefnum við? En hvað gerist ef staðan er mæld í samanburði við stöðu kvenna á Norðurlöndum, eða jafnvel við stöðu karlmanna? Í lok fyrirlestursins fór Þorge.