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A man can die, but his story will remain. Sifat Manusia Dilihat Dari Kelakuannya Di Jalan Raya. Bila ada kesamaan nama, sifat dan kelakuan maka itu hanyalah kebetulan semata. Bisa jadi orang tersebut memang emosional atau mungkin sebenarnya suka memendam amarahnya dalam hati saja dan dilakukan pelampiasan melalui gaya berkendaranya ini. Suka klakson dan memberi lampu dim di saat macet.
On May 5, 2010. Speaking of which, bulan ini hari portal kembali dirayakan. tapi seperti biasa, ga bs tepat di tgl 30 April karena itu hari Jumat sedangkan orang2 yg merayakan baru bs ktmu hari Minggu. yaa long story short, hari portal ke-6 dihabiskan dengan menjemput saya utk ngeblenger lalu nntn IRON MAN 2, kemudian dinner di Jimbaran Seafood ancol dan mengantar saya pulang. yeaay! Last but not least, SELAMAT HARI PORTAL KE-6, Adityo August! Aduuh klo p.
This site is marked private by its owner. If you already have both of these, great! Larr; Back to WordPress.
Nisa tells it like it is. Analisis dan berikan komentar pribadi Anda terhadap 10 sikap paradok tersebut. 2 Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time. 3 Creative people combine playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility. 5 Creative people trend to be both extroverted and introverted.
Why do i have to feel this way all along? Gw ga suka. i cant change the way things are now. tapi gw juga msih susah untuk menyesuaikan diri dan menerima keadaan. gw tau ini tergantung gw sendiri, tapi harus sampai kapan? Tried reaaaaally hard not to be jealous or what, tapi susah.
You walk, they run, i fly. Posted by superditoes in Uncategorized. Be it potential, be it genius, be it character. whatever it is, i was taught that we are differ from one another, that is why we called special. i also taught that we could do just about anything when we want to. Fabregas is a world beater when it comes to football, however i would bet everything that he may not be the world beater if only he became some economist. Big thing from little nation.
Enter your password to view comments. This content is password protected. Minggu lalu gw menjebak sikebo buat nonton film Hari Untuk Amanda. Agak kurang pas sih nonton film ini bareng dia, hahaa. Sebenernya lebih seru buat ditonton bareng2 ciwi2, soalnya tipe film cewe banget deh. Fyi kmaren aja satu studio isinya sbagian besar ciwi2.
Is Creativity tied to Personality Type or Can it be. 9 attitude of highly creative people. Saya menemukan yang blog yang bagus mengenai attitude orang-orang kreatif. Kata orang yang nulis blog ini, ada 9 attitude yang dimiliki orang-orang kreatif. 2 Seeing Problems as Interesting and Acceptable.
A faint sigh my spoken. Make way for the simple hours. So I was the lucky one. So let the sun shine. So let the sun shine. To show us that tomorrow is eventual. We know it when the day is done. Ini orang HOT paraah, udh pelatih bisa main gitar punya band lagi, totally turns me on hyahyahyaa! Gokil, mau deh gueee, hahah! January 13, 2009.
Age is just a numbers. Thank you, and happy birthday to me. Twitter has really become something now. People are begging for attention.
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