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Welcome to the Fort Loudoun Yacht Club. The facility is for the enjoyment of members of boating interest. To encourage and observe the rules of safety, courtesy and good seamanship including aiding those in need of help. To provide a First Class Boating Facility. To promote boating knowledge and fellowship through social activities and attract new quality membership that will continue and further the development of the same.
Let us know if you are going to be attending a FLYC event! How to Determine Your Course - Reading the Course Board. 2018 Camellia Cup registration is now open! Racing and post racing activities April 14-15. Practice racing, tent set up and late registration April 13. Be sure to pre-order your t-shirts to reserve your size in the storefront. Notice of Race has now been published! Click on Add Account.
La reprise des cours de fullcontact se fera le samedi 04 septembre à partir de10h00 au judo club de Mayenne. Alors , je vous donne tous rdv pour reprendre en douceur. Gala de Mayenne le 29 mai.
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