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My real inspiration is a muse for sure, divine inspiration. They hurtle me from stagnant sitting water to an electrical storm. How do I call on my muse? Viktor Frankl on Ted.
5 places I would like to go. 5 people i would Like to meet. What would i love to have. i have always wanted one. Two handed long sword- i mean its a two hand long sword why not. Spear- incase i meet a bear. And 100 on this blog- becase i love 100s. 5 places I would like to go. 5 people i would Like to meet.
5 Places I would like to go. 5 things I would like to have. I mean how sick is that. 5 Places I would like to go. 5 things I would like to have.
There are many things that I would love to have. 2 a scrapbook from the day I was born until now. 4 an accepted college scholarship letter to Columbia in New York.
Super power quality would be to be able to breath underwater. To be more willing and brave.