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Hona hemen jarduera Fisikoa eta Osasunaren inguruko webqueta. Hau bai jarduera gurea, hurbilekoa eta erraza. Baina non kokatuko genuke jarduera mota hau? Hemen bi saio eredu.
Animalien erreinua errepasatzeko pentsatuta dago eta Lur Aranburu, Aner Garai-iurrebaso eta Jonathan Hermana ikaskideekin batera egin dut. Ondoren gainontzeko ikaskideek nahi dutenean ikus dezaten Slidesharen eskegi dugu. Grabaketa hau, nire ikaskide Aner, Jonathan, Ugaitz eta Xabirekin batera eginda dago. Deustuko Bidarte liburutegiko haurtxotekari buruz egindako lan bat da. Ondoren Podomatic-era igo dut nire blogean sartu ahal izateko.
Are You a Retailer? Who Eats GORP and Why? Your Cart is Empty. Are You a Retailer? Who Eats GORP and Why? Farewell and happy trails dear friend. Apparently when my heart fills up I become motivated to blog! GORP Ready Mix makes Overnight Oats! January 10, 2018.
Friday, March 11, 2016. In my skin, in the persistent baby flab even, the new silver hairs. The gold octopus from the Natural History Museum the girls are obsessed with. Sometimes I am that tentacled, juggling thing, but sometimes I am gold too. Wednesday, September 26, 2012.
While the current Chinese emperor insists that all must kowtow to him, and China is not subject to international law, some in the crowd are still calling out that the emperor has no clothes. One constant in that crowd is the Chinese economist Andy Xie.