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In honor of the upcoming Shooto event, on May 18, here is a video posted on mma. Woohoo, struck gold! Kneeblock, on MMA.
GRACIEMAG at the European Open of Jiu-Jitsu. GRACIEMAG at the European Open. Moraes wins absolute and other stories. And history will show Sérgio Moraes to be the grand champion of the European Open absolute class. In the final the submission wizard, who came to stardom upon submitting Kron Gracie in 2008, defeated Cláudio Calasans Jr. , of Atos JJ, by a single advantage point after a 4-4 draw. There was one more rivalry, however, at the Euro Open 2011.
Cobertura completa direto de Lisboa. Serginho absoluto e outras histórias. O Europeu 2011 já é história. E a história vai contar que Serginho Moraes foi o grande campeão do absoluto. Na final, o paulistano do bairro de José Bonifácio, zona leste, que se tornou astro em 2008, ao finalizar Kron Gracie, derrotou Cláudio Calasans Jr, da Atos, por uma vantagem depois de empatarem por 4 a 4. Houve outro, no Europeu 2011.
Cobertura completa do Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu. O balanço de uma cobertura inédita para um Mundial histórico. Mais um Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu ficou na história. Rodolfo Vieira foi coroado o novo rei do absoluto na faixa-preta, o nono desde 1996. Além do grande vencedor, diversos outros campeões e campeãs saíram sorrindo da pirâmide de Long Beach. E você acompanhou tudo isso aqui no Blog GRACIEMAG no Mundial. Nessas conversas, surgiram frases de impacto. Além das entrevistas, relembramos o.
Graciemag and the Pan Jiu-Jitsu. See you come the 2012 Pan. The 2011 Pan was a complete success. More than 2,600 athletes signed up kept the ten competition areas set up in the Bren Events Center in Irvine busy over the four-day competition. In doing so, he overcame Bernardo Faria on two occasions. Another total success was the GRACIEMAG at the Pan Blog.
Complete coverage of the Jiu-Jitsu World Championship. The numbers from the unprecedented coverage for a historic Worlds. Another Jiu-Jitsu World Championship has entered the history books. Rodolfo Vieira was crowned the new king of the absolute black belt division, the ninth since 1996. Besides the big winner, numerous other champions left the Long Beach pyramid smiling. And you kept up with it all here on the GRACIEMAG at the Worlds Blog.