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This morning was our final game drive before we leave for home at noon. Hoping to see a hunt or kill, again we set off early at 6am. Later, saw a male pursuing a female but was rejected by her. Last day and last sunrise over the Serengeti Plains. Nice sunrise to start the day though we were reluctant to leave.
My First Foray into Infrared Photography. Weather was good this afternoon, so headed to the Bottle Tree Park and did my experiments. Here are a few of my noobishly processed output. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.
Raquo; Polaroid Camera with Famo. Raquo; Blogging on GitHub Pages with Jekyll. 2014 Daniel Le with help from Jekyll Bootstrap.
Heraldično, genealoško in veksilološko društvo Heraldica Slovenica ustanovljeno leta 1991 The Heraldry Society of Slovenia Est. Kandidatura za gostovanje svetovnega kongresa zastavoslovja ob 30-letnici neodvisnosti Slovenije. Je svetovna federacija devetinpetdesetih regionalnih, državnih in mednarodnih društev in institucij, ki preučujejo zastavoslovje oziroma veksilologijo.
Asymp; Leave a comment. I sit here, alone with my thoughts. How can this be happening to me? What did I do wrong? It hits me like a ton of bricks. This is not my fault. If they want to walk out of my life, so be it. They can handle the consequences. I stand from the couch slowly and walk out of the house, keys dangling from my finger.