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Taking the film industry into the future. Green Film Making challenges film professionals to work more sustainable. Since 2015, Sustainability Manager Els Rientjes. Has been facilitated by the Netherlands Film Fund and aims to inspire filmmakers to take the Dutch film industry into the future. Report GFM Doc Talks at IDFA 2017. Meet Sustainability Manager Els Rientjes. Sign up for our newsletter.
Een groene toekomst voor de film industrie. Green Film Making daagt filmprofessionals uit om duurzamer te werken. Sinds 2015 wordt Els Rientjes. Als Sustainability Manager ondersteund door het Nederlands Filmfonds om de Nederlandse filmindustrie te inspireren verantwoordelijk met onze planeet om te gaan. Green Film Making timmert samen met producenten, duurzame ondernemers, filmscholen en andere voortrekkers in de filmsector hard aan de weg.
Subscribe to our Official Newsletter. 24 Snow by Mikhail Barynin. Cuernavaca, Mexico 24 - 29 April, 2018. Toulouse, France March 30th April 1st, 2018. Plastic China by Jiu-liang Wang. 13th FESTIVAL DU FILM VERT. French Switzerland and France 1st March - 15th April, 2018. The 5th Green Image Film Festival palmares.
In addition, Green has partnered with Outsider Pictures, which offers physical US distribution of both theatrical and dIrect-to-video titles, as well as Sources of production financing.
Kino aus reiner Sonnenenergie ECOCINEMA. Europäisches Zentrum für Nachhaltigkeit im Medienbereich. Die Titelgeschichte ist Steven Spielbergs Polit-Drama.