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Okay, that was one unpleasant flight. 8 hours sitting beside a complete twat with loud voice and smelly feet. I need my caffeine booster. Darn, I left my sketchbook on the luggage. Wait, that guy on the red t-shirt is kinda cute. I need mcNuggets now! May, 08th 2015.
and all stuffs in my extraordinary life. Setelah beberapa lama gak nulis disini. Kindly visit my blog here www. I love my family, Mamah, Papah, Aa, Ajmi, Epi. Padahal kau begitu tahu, aku hanya wanita biasa, yang sangat jauh dari sempu.
Welcome to wherever you are, this is your life, you made it this far. Friday, November 2, 2012. Satu tahun yang lalu, mana kebayang kalau hari ini akan seperti ini. Ga pernah kebayang dan ga pernah nyangka kalo aku ada disini, dengan keadaan yang seperti ini, dan segala ini itu yang sekarang aku rasain. Rencana Allah emang ga ada yang tau ya. Yang pasti, sampai detik in.
Use the links at the top of the page to navigate. If you missed class, an assignment, a newsletter, or interested in seeing what Mr. Hokanson is doing for his activity logs, please click on the corresponding link. Start your own free website. A surprisingly easy drag and drop site creator.
Pe un prende na sola! Domenica 19 luglio 2015. Arriviamo e lo spettacolo è dei migliori un tramonto estivo ci accompagna e decidiamo per un menù a base di crostacei in pasta ketaifi e crudi su base di agrumi. Una entree ci prepara il palato ai sapori della serata.
Sometimes in life we have to struggle again and again. Sometimes we wanna give up, sometimes we think not strong enough. Sometimes we cry and sometimes we feel lost our spirit. But as Beatles mentioned in their song,. Sometimes we just need to love our self, our fate, and our life to be strong enough. Because all we need is love, love, love. And believe, that there is always a miracle when we believe in.
Bu dünya tek başına bir çocuk için fazla yetişkin,. Bu kocaman dünyada, her çocuğun yanında güvenebileceği bir yetişkin olmalı . Onu öpmeli, sıkıca sarmalı, saçını okşamalı. Bir çocuğun yanında mutlaka güvenebileceği bir kimsesi olmalı! 2013 istanbul koruyucu aile.