Date Range
Date Range
Date Range
Writing about things for the sake of it. A colleague came into my classroom to speak to me the other day. This particular member of staff dresses quite casually, and on the day in question was wearing a multi coloured t-shirt with a Ramones logo on the front. We must have got them from the same shop. I always wished that I had seen them.
Photo from Dave Worley, flickr, CC. You assumed that the other 5 year olds loved reading the dictionary as much as you did. You assumed that all 7 year olds preferred a vacation to NASA over a trip to Disneyworld. You assumed that the other kids would want to play your intricate games and learn your secret codes rather than play yet another round of Candyland.
The Adventures of Captain X and the Gingerbear Princess. As sewn by their Mumma. I did the shirring at the waistline rather than the other option of an elastic casing, and realised I need to practice it.
Manning the sewing machine one stitch at a time. To see what I sewed up for this month.