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Sunday, July 31, 2011. Philip Rosedale on Second Life. How is 2nd Life a disruptive technology? 2nd Life is a disruptive technology because it introduce people to be creative in communication among other people. It allow students to create their own worlds and images of what they want the world to be. These world are disrupt the physical world. What technology or innovations did it displace? .
Wednesday, November 17, 2010. All of the video presentations were awesome! Our class did a wonderful job of introducing their keynote speakers. Bob, Your video presentation is very uniqu.
So it was with great relief that we received a thunderstorm, and quite a bit of water, a few weekends ago. Enough, in fact, to send all the wildflowers into bloom. I have been gluten-free for a while now and have been vegan since March, or thereabouts.
The Collegues that I had the conference and posted to in Module 6. I had a conference with www. And reviewed their video again and posted to them. I also viewed and posted to the videos of www. AMEN! Collegues that I posted to on module 5 blog posting.
Saturday, October 15, 2011. Chris Schmechel and I were given the opportunity to present with other members of colleges and schools in our region to present in front of the Higher Education Commission. The HEC Board convened several Chautauquas to get input from industry and higher education. Friday, August 5, 2011. How should I start with Social Networking? Facebook .
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