Date Range
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Date Range
Thursday, January 26, 2012. So far, so awesome. Friday, January 20, 2012. I am definitely attracting beautiful women. Yay for me, again.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005. Ketika kami pulang ke Indonesia tahun lalu, tidak ada seorangpun keluargaku yang dikenal Chika, tapi ajaib anak itu nggak butuh waktu lama untuk beradaptasi cuma 1 jam dirumah, dia langsung berinteraksi. Akhirnya kita sadar, kalo selama ini Chika bingung dengan banyaknya bahasa yang dia dapat. Di rumah, Indonesia, di sekolah, Perancis, di luar rumah, Inggris. Akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk lebih banyak diam, daripada salah ngomong.
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I really do not want to open my eyes. How come I get to be awake? The sun is yet to rise. I can hear Dog thwacking his tail against the wardrobe door. I remove my arm from beneath the duvet and pat the spot he has his eye on. He curls up and seconds later he is snoring! How come I get to be awake? Donna is dealin.