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With 3 darling kids! A Sad, Sad, Toothless Day. What a beautiful afternoon it was. Reese was at home just down for her nap. Jennifer helped me round up the kids and get all our stuff back home.
Friday, March 12, 2010. The visitors center was being remodeled, but we did get to walk around the grounds and take some pictures. We have arrived at the American Girl Place! We took a break from shopping to browse the Farmers Market across the street. Madison had crepes with strawberries for lunch. Yummy! Is this girl excited or what? .
Tuesday, February 24, 2009. After all, it has never been easier to access dictionaries and style manuals.
The boys had to take care of their horses. They had to brush them, put on the saddle and then give them a treat at the end of the ride. Baden was really comfortable on his horse. He did fabulous two-points and was great leading his horse around the cones. Thanks, Spirit Horse! We had a fabulous time.
They are disgusting creatures, worthy of absolutely zero goodwill and respect.
To his blog entry that should explain the whole thing. That being said, I just got done watching Definitely, Maybe. Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Build a website with WordPress.
A song a day, keeps the madness at bay. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.
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Quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012. Neste final de semana do mês de Março de 2012 na parte da tarde do dia 11, estaremos realizando uma Palestra bem descontraída nas dependências do C.
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