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Welcome to Wednesday Words! Every Wednesday I will post some sort of prompt for a flash fiction piece. The prompt will go live just after midnight Eastern time. The prompt might be a picture, or it might be a list of things to include in a story, or maybe a phrase or a question or something from a news of the weird type thing, or a who knows? And, hey, if it inspires more than 500 or so words, run with it! Tagged as flash fiction.
Stating that self-publishing is utterly and completely corrupt . It is freedom for both the readers and the authors an.
How May I Help? In Pain and Blood. Middot; In Pain and Blood. Middot; The Rogue King. Middot; The Rogue King Saga. New Year, New Goals. Happy 2017, everyone! I often have writin.
Fantastical worlds, Fiery Love. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
Originally from Chicago, Julia Ember now resides in Edinburgh, Scotland. She spends her days working in the book trade and her nights writing teen fantasy novels. Her hobbies include riding horses, starting far too many craft projects, PokemonGo and looking after her city-based menagerie of pets with names from Harry Potter. Luna Lovegood and Sirius Black the cats currently run her life. The concept was so fresh and o.
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Жизнь,политика,дом,семья,дети,юмор. Четверг, 25 декабря 2014 г. Мультфільм Бабай - Смотреть онлайн. Написать об этом в блоге. Вторник, 2 апреля 2013 г. Биржа ссылок для новых сайтов. Написать об этом в блоге.
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