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After studying in PEP for 13 weeks, to be honest, I have gained everything, such as academic listening, writing and note-taking skills. For instance, I know to use deductive styles to write an essay, and use symbols and abbreviations to take notes. These skills are still useful for my university study. However, the most valuable skills that I have had are speaking skills.
Among my learning skills in my life, comparatively, my verbal communication skill is much better than other skills. However, it does not mean my verbal communication is excellent, but I always try my best to express myself. However, there are lots of significant problems still exist in my .
Moreover, some of my classmates said that my presentation was excellent. After that, I received my OP feedback and the results are very satisfied. I got 3C, namely; spoken, personal presentations and spoken grammar and vocabulary, and 1P regarding to pronunciation and voice.
I will continue to improve my communication skill. Except having a talk with local and improving speaking, I would do more participants and express myself in the class. My friends suggested me to listen music and watch some movies and TV drama, thanks Tim, I love the melodrama. Finally, I hope my English much better day and day and reach my goals.
I think listening skill is the most valuable skills which I gain during the PEP. Another reason is that I do improve my listening skill. There are some pieces of advance to make a plan.
Taking all learning skills into consideration, one skill I am good at I think it is time management. In conclusion, I will continue to make timetable in every Sunday. In fact, a reasonable schedule greatly help me improvement of my English. But this week I have to spend more spare time on my IRP. Note-taking is a fundamental skill of reading, writing and listening. But I found that I always have a lot of prob.
I study in PEP class about thirteen weeks. During this period, I find that my English has improved. I learn lots of knowledge from PEP class, which are reading skill, listening skill, speaking skill and writing skill. Third, I notice that I can understand newspapers and magazines. In comparison, first time I read the newspaper I confuse about the articles. Only one thing I can do is look at the picture in newspaper.
Posted by luffy0623 in Uncategorized. Before enrolling in PEP, I regarded learning language as a passive process. In other words, I seldom spent time on active thinking. As a result, English has confused me 14 years. Based on the given reason, I consider that the most valuable skills which I have abtained durning the PEP is the ability of critical thinking. Not only the ability of critical thinking can contribute to my study, it can facilitate my life as well.
From my excerpt Ican tell that with PEP I learned that mixing with other people from different nationalities is highly beneficial in terms of learning language and exchanging information about different culture. I am planning to continue .
Consider what you still need to work on in relation to your studies at The University of Adelaide. Therefore, through these detail methods, I will develop my academic writing. When I evaluate myself which one is .
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8230;om vår långa resa mot ett efterlängtat mål. Eftersom vi varit förbjudna att publicera identifierbara bilder under processens gång har det mest varit ryggen man sett av J på de bilder vi ändå lagt ut. Det var en allvarsam liten grabb vi mötte i Nakuru. Första korten med mamma och pappa. 8230;det var spännande och kul men samtidigt lite läskigt just då.
Om IVF, insemination, graviditet och längtan efter syskon. Det var ett tag sedan. Ungefär 19 månader för att vara exakt. Ja, jag är tillbaka. Det är dags för en ny resa. Lite lik, men ändå så annorlunda. Jag har ett barn nu. Ett underbart barn, som springer, samlar sniglar i trädgården, äter omogna smultron, älskar att bada och vaknar med ett leende på morgonen. Länkar till det här inlägget. Vårt barn är här! .
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