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A blog about the Ingleside Neighborhood of San Francisco. A timeline of the Ingleside neighborhood and greater OMI. Sometimes I cover stories on all of district 11, and sometimes I do stuff in the city. Ingleside Academy of Sciences Neighborhood Days. Specialty, small batch coffee in the Ingleside? April 26, 2010.
Russia and all things Russian in San Francisco and the Greater Bay Area. First off, happy belated Easter to those of you who celebrate. Y, the brand of Christianity many Russians practice and Catholic Easter fell on the same day. It is unusual for this holiday to coincide on the same date as the Orthodoxy relies primarily on the Gregorian. Calendar as opposed to the Julian. One used by the Catholic Church.
Dedikuar per studentet e gazetarise FFT. Thirrje per pjesmarrje ne nje kurs online falas per Data Journalism! May 14, 2014. U be kohe qe nuk po komunikojme dhe si gjithmone uroj te jeni te gjithe mire,.
Journalism 406 and 402 gathered at Land Park on May 19 for our final, which consisted of grades, pizza, cake, Exies and kickball. Thanks to all for a great semester! May 23, 2010.
Welcome to journalism4schools, a site designed to offer free advice to school leavers and others wishing to pursue a career in journalism. This website aims to achieve just that, as well as offering a couple of keenly priced distance-learning courses for beginne.
This news piece is so unorthodox! Thank goodness . Mika Brsesinki from MSNBC News refuses ON LIVE AIR to not read the lead story. Wellbecause Paris many rampages are unworthy for news coverage at a news station, such as MSNBC. Besides I think Mika has had enough of Paris in Jai. This of course added to the laughing factor. I swear it appeared to be some kind of joke.
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A forum about innovation in journalism, beyond the usual suspects. Two days, 300 comments and 50 participants later, what did we learn? Publishers share revenue practices offered in a comprehensive easy to use index to help you hammer out new tracks to prosperity. Thirty publishers of independent community and investigative news sites built business action plans.