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May 9, 2011 by ajohnson13. The aspects of COM 220 that were the most useful to Alicia and I were definitely all of the technological terms and programs that we had to challenge ourselves to use. Neither Alicia nor I had ever used programs such as Final Cut or Dreamweaver. We had both used Photoshop a little bit before this class but never in as much depth. April 18, 2011 by ajohnson13. April 8, 2011 by ajohnson13.
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Nickie Halbert Critique DMC Extra Credit. Great job on this final project, I can see you worked really hard and it definitely was exemplified and paid off in your presentation! May 9, 2011.
If I could sum up this project in three words I would say patience, dedication, and exploration. This was my first time shooting video and editing through Final Cut Pro. Although it required an incredible amount of time and patience and just a hint of frustration I am glad we were able to learn how to use this program. 1 Check every single setting before shooting.
Mdash; Leave a comment. As a busy college student you spend all your times running to class, working on homework, socializing and more. But do you ever just stop? Little Photoshop of Horrors.
This site showcases some of my work in the communications field. Good Shepherd Kitchen Mock Ups. March 5, 2012 by Anna Lee. Mock Digital Poster created to interest students in volunteering at the Good Shepherd Soup Kitchen. Mock flyer created to raise awareness of the Good Shepherd Kitchen in the homeless and poor community. Identical mock flyer written in Spanish in order to reach out to Hispanic homeless and poor, as well.
This was the first time in three years that Radnor did not star in a film he, himself, wrote and directed. Perhaps my most disappointing film at Sundance so far was Afternoon Delight. And some spurts of comedy.
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The Asian-American community is not the only one that is helping in the relief effort. Across the United States, many citizens have done their best to donate to charity funds. This catastrophe is described as one of the worst natural disasters to hit Japan. With thousands of people being evacuated, many have lost their lives, and their loved ones.
Pulitzer Prize Winner Maureen Dowd comes to Elon University and speaks about Presidential Father Issues. The Presidential election is filled with daddy issues, according to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Maureen Dowd. Undecided voters unlikely to sway popular vote. What local stores are doing in a rough economy.
Posted May 7, 2011. Posted April 18, 2011. This project was a very challenging one for me. I have never worked with video or final cut pro until just recently, so all the controls and how to shoot properly were very new. Posted April 7, 2011. Posted March 4, 2011. Guide to All Things Berries. Every gardner knows it is Springtime when flowers start budding and birds.
Otimme Liedon SM-kilpailun jälkeen vauhtia Italian reissuun Kemistä, missä muutaman päivän huili kaikista arkivelvollisuuksista teki hyvää. Kemistä ajelimme torstaina illaksi kotiin. Pitkää ajomatkaa seurasi auton purku, pyykin pesu ja uusi pakkaus.
Itä-Uudenmaan ajoharjoitteluratasäätiö - Stiftelsen för Östra-Nylands körövningsbana on perustettu 1990. Säätiön toiminta-ajatuksena on liikenneturvallisuuden edistäminen. Toiminta-ajatusta toteuttamista varten säätiö omistaa ja ylläpitää ympärivuotista liukkaan kelin ajoharjoittelurataa ja tähän liittyviä muita ajoharjoittelu- ja koulutustiloja sekä järjestää erilaisia liikenneturvallisuuskursseja.
Maastopyörämaratonin Suomen mestaruustitteleista tapeltiin tänään Rajamäeltä Hyvinkään suuntaa jatkuvilla poluilla. Omalta osaltani päivä alkoi hieman ontuvasti, kun aamulla herätessä en oikein tiennyt onko syysflunssa tulossa päälle vai mistä heikko olo johtuu. Kuumemittari ei näyttänyt kohonneita lukemia, joten kisapaikalle ja hynttyyt niskaan. Kisan puolivälin jälkeen alkoi kuitenkin seinä nousta vastaan ja energiat loppua. Viimeisellä huoltopisteellä sain ensimmäistä .
Kirjoittaja on luonnollisesti makea mies; kärsii kroonisesta maitohappoallergiasta, joka aiheuttaa hengenahdistusta ja voimattomuutta jaloissa. Kokemuksia tien laidasta ja maastosta, treenisalilta tai vapaarullien päältä, internetin syövereistä; harrastelijamaista puuhastelua, joskus jopa kilpailunomaistakin. Tarkoitus oli tutkia erityisesti Jatkonvaaran polkuja ja kiertää sitten aiemmilta reissuilta tutumpia toiseen kiertosuuntaan.