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Intramurals, Sports and Athletic Clubs. Get Ready for the New Year! School Starts August 31. Robotics Club open to 2nd and 3rd grade students. This club begins in January 2011. Please join this page to keep to to date on the activities.
Holiday and Vacation Care Programs. To enrol in one of our instrumental programs or find information specific to your school, simply start typing your school name in the box below. We have designed our website to make it as easy as possible for everyone to find the information they are looking for. We keep the group sizes of our instrumental lessons as small as possible.
Quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012. Quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011. Saudade da segurança que senti um dia, mas não sinto falta da irrealidade que vivi. Sinto Saudades do simples sentimento de paixao que ja senti, pois o amor verdadeiro me machuca muito. Eu e meu amigo Rodrigo Felix, apesar dos erros cometidos durante essa amizade, prevalesce. Os momentos bons, as historias, aventuras e sonhos ficaram marcados pra sempre em nossas vidas. Quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010.
If you have questions or problems, please read our Troubleshooting Guide. 2001 - 2015 Bonzi Technology, Inc.
Så er vi klar til endnu en sæson med junior-rollespil i Rude Skov og på Amager Fælled. Amagerfælled har fået et nyt arrangørhold og nye kontaktpersoner, som glæder sig til at fortsætte i Renés fodspor. Martin Lauenborg, Emil Bogø og Gustav Elliason ser frem til at give ungerne flere vilde, sjove og spændende oplevelser! 8230; og så hviskes der i krogene, at nye monstre, skulle dukke op i skoven.