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My thoughts on cancer, life, and how God controls it all. Friday, January 1, 2016. We look at it as a clean slate, a fresh start full of promise. We approach it with new resolve and great expectations. May we live each day that we have full of hope, and joy and love. Left it in the bo.
5 Reasons the Cross is Not Enough. Does that statement shock you? Maybe even offend you? You may not want to read another word. The apostle Paul firmly believed the cross alone was not enough.
Please go there and look around and let me know if I can help you with an upcoming meeting or event. Of course, I also have three little dolls at my house who need me, so my schedule will be limited. Thanks for checking it out! Have a blessed Thursday! The Difference Between Looking and Seeing. What Our Miscarriages Taught Me About God. Remembering the Joy of our Salvation. My husband Chad and I hav.
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