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But I press on to make it my own. Monday, September 2, 2013. God rejoices over the little victories and the mundane. Sunday mornings I get to spend time with sweet little three year olds. Three is one of my favorite ages because they say some of the funniest things, eager to learn, full of life and have no filter. They have not learned what is appropriate in a classroom setting or. What it means to share toys, especially sharing with those who are not their siblings. Change is hard for some of these sw.
Thursday, March 17, 2011. Over the past few months i have been learning a lot. A lot about myself and a lot about the Lord. I can not do things on my own. Sin sucks and will completely eat you alive if you let it. When we stop fighting our sin we start fighting others. Love means patience and sacrifice. Because of all of this stuff I have been in a very weird stage of life. If you know me, you know that I do not just like things. I LOVE THINGS! I love to love things! Speaking of .
Thursday, June 25, 2009. Out daughter, Emily and her husband, Rob, with their two children, James and Anna, also flew up for the festivities. This first picture is of Rob and James at SPU when Ethan got hooded. Here is Emily at a luncheon we attended. Who is due to make an entrance in July. Here is James hamming for .
Uma das melhores coisas que aprendi com essa coisa de Oasis é que nós nunca somos, nós estamos. Bom ultimamente eu estou uma bagunça. Tudo junto e muito mais. Se tenho dúvidas profissionais? Desistir de tudo e fazer Serviço Social? Quais são meus sonhos? Porque quero participar do GSA? Não Dos cr.
Time with the girls in Koh Samui. Us girls hanging out pretending to be normal Americans. Yes, we ordered out for pizza that night! Yay pizza. I know you cannot fully appreciate that, but pizza is a special thing in Asia and very rare I might add. Kate and me on the beach. We found some cool boulders and decided to take some photo shoots. Sadly, I had to leave early because my sunburn was getting reder. Ah, lovely Koh Samui. Ah, the first da.
Det är ca 7 år sedan jag lämnade S. Jag har levt i en bubbla under dessa år. Ibland har den tjocka bubblan fått lite sprickor på sig men den har alltid blivit återställd. Nu har bubblan spruckit och rasat ihop till en obefintlig liten hög. Jag står här med känslor som är så många och starka att jag inte klarar av att reda ut dem. Mitt bygge går inte bra! Är det dags att ta tag i mina obefintliga minnen? Jag har ju förträngt allt, men det är kanske dags att försöka komma ihåg och bearbeta.
Ola bem -vindos ao blog da Lu com jogos de meninas em todas as paginas . Contanto so alguns sao para meninos e meninas. Quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011. Sábado, 25 de junho de 2011. Sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010. Vista ela com diverssas coissas. Sábado, 8 de maio de 2010. Segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010. Anime School Girl Dress Up. Sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2010. Faça a maquiajen e a roupa dela.