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SPEC KLUBSKA RAZSTAVA ŠNAVCERJEV IN PINČEV DANSKO ŠVEDSKI KMEČKI PES. SPEC KLUBSKA RAZSTAVA ŠNAVCERJEV IN PINČEV DANSKO ŠVEDSKI KMEČKI PES. 30 JUNIJA 2018 bo v okviru Mednarodne razstave psov na ROGLI potekala. Pričakujemo močno udeležbo in zanimiv dogodek, saj je bilo na januarski specialki v Celju na ogled kar 86 psov. Ki sodi kot vrsta pinčev pod okrilje našega kluba.
Our Vision and Our Mission. Internal Complaint Committee against Sexual Harassment. General Rules of the School. Our Vision and Our Mission. Internal Complaint Committee against Sexual Harassment. General Rules of the School. Date sheet for Final Examination 2017-18.
Quality Yorkies, Shih tzu, Biewer Yorkies and Yorkietzus. TAKING DEPOSITS FOR ALL BREEDS. All three breeds have unique qualities, making them very special and popular. I do not ship my puppies, Transport is up to the buyer,I find shipping them is too hard for them to handle, They can become sick or even die in transit. I will take deposits to h.