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Põhiliselt, millestki või kellestki olla sõltuvuses on minu arust paha asi. Siiski mõned sõltuvused on teistest enam taunitavad kui teised või koguni karistatavad. Suur osa mõjub tervisele kahjulikult või koguni teiste tervisele. Kunagi aastakümneid tagasi olin sõltuvuses suitsetamisest, tegelikult kardan, et olen veelgi, sellepärast ei julge isegi proovida. Viimase sigaretti suitsetasin 1994 aasta detsembri keskel. Nagu kõikide sõltuvustega, ajag.
Eelmisel nädalal sai Peterburis käidud, aga pole jõudnud pilte üles panna, sest hetkel on nii kiire, nii kiire, nii kiire. Täpselt nädala pärast peame oma vana korteri vabastama, et uued omanikud sisse saaksid kolida.
Saturday, May 30, 2009. Krating Country Resort, in Chanthaburi Province is a charming country resort at the foot of a mountain close to Khitchakut Mountain National Park and only 2 km. from the well-known Krating Fall. A lot of orchards-rambutan, durian, mangosteen and longkong-surround the country resort.
Kratin Featured as Mobile Healthcare Startup of the Year - 2014 by SiliconIndia. We partner with healthcare companies at strategic level to assist them in bridging the gap between hospitals, patients and physicians with cutting edge technologies. Assisting with smart mobile inception to connect dots across care continuum. Ready to use solution providing Truly caring integrated experience across continuum. Rapid cost effective building blocks for delivering unified care experience.
Mission, Vision, Values. Kratin provides an integrated solution to entire value chain of coal block development, operation and management. Due to large scale expansion of the existing mining sector, there is scarcity of qualified and competent technical personnel. Kratin bridges this gap throu.