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Mostly astronomical, often cosmological, usually quite grumpy. Immense gravity, a one-way space-time membrane, the possibility of links to other universes. So, my plans for my blog through 2017 have not quite gone to plan, but things have been horrendously busy, and it seems li.
Hvordan demonstrere Guds eksistens? Stephen Hawking som amatørfilosof. Mange fine nekrologer strømmer inn, og den fra hans eminente kollega Sir Roger Penrose. The nonsense written by philosophers on scientific matters is exceeded only by the nonsense written by scientists on philosophy. Heisenberg om Aristoteles og hvordan forstå forandring.
Jesus was not a Christian. Brief Comments on the Resurrection.
Saturday, November 19, 2016. But invalid if seen through lens B. And vice versa for Side B.
What makes a good explanation? February 21, 2014. Recently, listening to the Unbelievable podcast, the atheist guest, Matt Dillahunty gave some requirements for what makes an explanation,. We explain things in terms of other things that we understand. We begin with the simple things which we understand to explain the more complex things. I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009. Wednesday, 19 August 2009. A link to a short article i wrote for my church CCK on morality without God. Sunday, 2 August 2009. Wednesday, 15 July 2009.
This site is marked private by its owner. If you already have both of these, great! Larr; Back to WordPress.
I have been locked out of this account and the accompanying email forever. But now I hope to be able to update it more often. Spread the word and lets add more letters for Nick and the boys! Posted 3 years ago. You make me the best that i can be.
Sunday, October 20, 2013. I want something that is just for me, and whom ever decides my blog is worth reading.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009. Many people were asking what happened, and so I wrote this, so everyone who wanted to know, would know. There is so much more to the life of Noah, even if it was only 2 days worth. Then- on April 8th at 3am the new nurse on duty .
Thursday, February 5, 2015. The logical person in me is saying- come on- this is routine, in and out- he will be under anaesthesia for a little while and will be fine.