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Making it big in business after age 40. How a 76-Year-Old Became a Swimwear Entrepreneur. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash. Cherry Harker always wanted to design bikinis. Her infatuation with the skimpy swimsuits began in the late 1950s. I pretty much learnt how to water-ski one-handed one hand on the tow-handle and the other holding my briefs up, she says in this Mailonline article. In 2016, Harker launched ZwimZuit. As she explains in this article.
Secondary steel for offshore wind turbines.
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YouTube Heroes erntet eine Welle an Kritik. YouTube hat nun sein sog. YouTube Heroes Programm vorgestellt, indem Zuschauer dafür belohnt werden sollen u. Liont BETRUNKEN auf YouNow! Der Youtuber Liont war am vergangenen Sonntag gegen 4 Uhr morgens offensichtlich betrunken auf der Livestream Plattform YouNow.