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My Life in Five Years. December 10, 2009 by 5jiho5. I want to be counselor. For children in five years. Because I was given warm caring from others when I was young. So I hope that I return the favor as much as I got. I want to work in a child guidance clinic. For children bullied I will give children the treatment kindly. So I wish that all children to be happy. December 9, 2009 by 5jiho5. December 1, 2009 by 5jiho5.
My Life in Five Years. I start my senior next year in March and graduate the following February. All my guts, because it is. I am planning to go to graduate school. I have to go to school and work, because my parents can no longer afford the fee. I would like to be doing a part time job in a. I am part timer in a café now, just stay with what I am doing now. After graduate school, I will pass the exam.
My Life In Five Years. I want to be a specialist. Of my major field of study. I gave up my duplex major. Because I determined study my major deepening. Also I scheduled to become a graduate student. Graduate School of Policy Studies. I wonder if I can enter this institution. I wish it, just. I would like to research more about the North Korea. And relates to the whole world.
My Life in Five Years. Next five years, I want to live without any problem and comfortable. When I have my social position, I want to join the volunteer work.
My Life in Five Years. On December 10, 2009 by blueeyes4457. I got a working visa. Who works at Incheon International Airport. On December 3, 2009 by blueeyes4457. An example of an interesting social issue affecting the entire world is Lookism, which is a new word. Some of the most important social issues affecting Korea these days are swine flu.
In our final class on Thursday we will have the final exam. There are three parts to the exam. 8211; Blog Post Paragraph.
My Life in Five Years. I would like to be a correspondent. I will be a 27 years old in the next five years. I would like to work for the Hankere newspaper company. Because I think this company is the one and only one who reports the fact impartially. I think this company is recognized for his vigorous support of social justice. Civil rights, and moral issues. I think invasion of privacy.
My Life in Five Years. By saysome911 on December 10, 2009. I would like to change my life in the next five years. Recently I perceived so many important things and my attitude of mind change from negative to positive. The next five years are very significant terms on my career. I would like to live in a new town. And this wish will achieve soon. My family contracted a apartment. Lastly my role model is Kim Mun-su.
My Life in Five Years. Just because I love him.
It would be a good way to. Know how can I evangelize people by using media. Also, I want to meet. Whose vision same as me.
My Life in Five Years. I would like to be a correspondent. I will be a 27 years old in the next five years. I would like to work for the Hankere newspaper company. Because I think this company is the one and only one who reports the fact impartially. I think this company is recognized for his vigorous support of social justice. Civil rights, and moral issues. I think invasion of privacy.
School link between Leeds and Kabale. Receive greetings from Makanga Staff,pupils my family and myself. They are now in the homes of their parents. The rest are currently doing their promotional exams. Schools in Uganda will close on 30th Nov to mark the end of school calender year. Hoping to hear from you soon.
As part of our Remembrance, each class made a poppy. Nursery brought theirs to share. I think it is beautiful and shows real care and thought. It is on display, with the other class poppies, in the entrance. Year 1 have been sorting. I was delighted to share some Science learning with Sophia and Saad. They were very articulate in explaining why they had sorted these materials, in to the categories they had.
鍥藉姟闄 叧浜庡彇娑堝拰璋冩暣涓 鎵硅 鏀垮 鎵归 鐩 瓑浜嬮 鐨勫喅瀹? 鍥藉姟闄 叧浜庡彇娑堝拰涓嬫斁涓 鎵硅 鏀垮 鎵归 鐩 殑鍐冲畾. 骞夸笢鍗楄溅杞ㄩ亾浜ら 氳溅杈嗕慨閫犲熀鍦板缓璁鹃 鐩 嫑鏍? 姹熻嫃鏂版捣鍙戠數鏈夐檺鍏 徃涓绘満銆佽 璁 佹柦宸ユ嫑鏍? 鍗楁槍缁垮湴涓 ぎ骞垮満鍙屽瓙鏄熷ぇ鍘 鐩 嫑鏍? 姹熻嫃鏈夌嚎涓夌綉铻嶅悎鏋 航涓 績椤圭洰鐜板満鍔炲叕鐢ㄦ埧宸ョ 寤舵湡鍏 憡. 涓 浗閾惰 鍗椾含姹熷畞鏀 閲戣瀺浜у搧鐮斿彂鍒朵綔涓 績椤圭洰鍥 灄鏅 璁捐. 鍗椾含姹借溅闆嗗洟鏈夐檺鍏 徃AP13鍖呰竟鍘嬫満鎹 ā鏈烘瀯鏀归 犻 鐩 嫑鏍囧叕鍛? 鑺滅敵绾匡紙楂樻骇娈碉級鑸 亾鏁存不宸ョ 锛堝崡娓 タ妗ワ綖钂嬪簵妗ユ 锛夎埅閬撴柦.